We are now planning for a 2021 Virtual Workshop
Our 2021 in person Workshop has been canceled
Planning is now underway for the 32nd Annual Continuing Challenge Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Virtual Workshop:
Fellow Responders,
The Continuing Challenge Hazardous Materials Committee is excited to let you know that planning for the 32nd Annual Workshop, which will be a virtual workshop, is underway. This workshop will be held from about August 1, 2021 through September 10, 2021 with some classes being available in our video library after September 10th. While we continue to closely monitor COVID-19 related developments by watching infection trends, evaluating Local, State and Federal budget constraints, and following news of vaccine progress, we are optimistic that conditions will be favorable to provide a successful Workshop in 2022. The Committee is focused on bringing you lessons learned from response during the pandemic and has reached out to instructors, future instructors, and exhibitors to incorporate COVID-19 related topics where applicable. Watch for further information and updates via our Newsletter, the Website and Email in the coming months.
Thank you again for standing on the frontline as you serve the public. We hope that you and your families continue to stay safe and healthy.
Thank you,
The Continuing Challenge Hazardous Materials Committee